Importance of paclobutrazol in out-of-season citrus production


  • Fernando Párraga Bazurto Agronomy, Faculty of Agronomic Engineering, Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Av. José María Urbina and Che Guevara, Portoviejo, Manabí.
  • Adriana Celi Agronomy, Faculty of Agronomic Engineering, Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Av. José María Urbina and Che Guevara, Portoviejo, Manabí.
  • Liliana Corozo Agronomy, Faculty of Agronomic Engineering, Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Av. José María Urbina and Che Guevara, Portoviejo, Manabí.
  • Leonardo Solís Agronomy, Faculty of Agronomic Engineering, Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Av. José María Urbina and Che Guevara, Portoviejo, Manabí.



Stationary variability is a problem for fruit producers and producers in general, hence tools that help to crop at any season would be an alternative to yield. For this reason, the use of growth regulators is a choice; for example, paclobutrazol (PBZ) has been used to strengthen alternativity in production. This article aims to investigate the importance of PBZ in the forced production of citrus fruits. PBZ has been involved in inhibiting the synthesis of gibberellins and auxins, shortening the elongation and cell division; its use in citrus has been studied to force production to obtain it when the supply is low and thus contribute to the producer's economy. PBZ increases plant tolerance to cold weather, keeping grafted buds in a dominant state during adverse conditions; inhibits plant growth by inducing flower buds by influencing early fruit ripening, and maximizing plant yield and fruit quality. This compound allows to optimize the yield of plants, promoting the production in any season, thus balancing the productive alternation.


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03/15/2022 — Actualizado el 10/21/2022




Artículo de revisión

Cómo citar

Párraga Bazurto, F., Celi, A., Corozo, L., & Solís, L. (2022). Importance of paclobutrazol in out-of-season citrus production. Manglar, 19(1), 117-127. (Original work published 2022)