Evaluation of learning styles and academic performance in university students of Nutrition and Dietetics innorthern Peru.


  • Jova More Tinedo Universidad Nacional de Tumbes, Tumbes, Perú
  • José Silva Rodríguez Universidad Nacional de Tumbes, Tumbes, Perú


Learning, Universities, Academic Performance (Sourcee: DeCS-BIREME)


Introduction: Teaching processes require the recognition of styles or ways of learning that allow the routing of teaching strategies for the achievement of learning. Objective: To evaluate learning styles and academic performance in university students of Nutrition and Dietetics in northern Peru. Methods: Observational,

cross-sectional descriptive descriptive study, the Honey and Alonso questionnaire (learning styles) and the Integrated Academic Control System (SICA) of the National University of Tumbes, Peru were used. Results: The learning styles with the highest scores were: the reflexive and active style; followed by theoretical and pragmatic

styles, in addition Academic performance was good and regular (vigesimal scale). Conclusion: The active learning style has a significant statistical relationship with academic performance.


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