About the Journal

Scope and Focus

The International Journal of Social Sciences is an academic journal focused on publishing research in the fields of communication, education, psychology, and hospitality management and tourism. It promotes scientific discussion that favors a diversity of topics and methodological approaches within the social sciences.

The journal aims to serve as a platform for the dissemination of knowledge, directed at academics, researchers, faculty members, and undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as the general public.

Publication Frequency

The International Journal of Social Sciences (RICSO) is a biannual journal, meaning it publishes two issues per year: the first between January and June, and the second between July and December. RICSO published its first issue in November 2022.

Publication Format

The journal publishes in print format with ISSN 2955-8921 and electronic format in PDF, HTML and XML files with e-ISNN 2955-8778.


Articles are received and published in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Peer Review

Submissions will undergo double-blind peer review, meaning that both the authors and the reviewers are anonymous to each other. Initially, two (2) peer reviewers will be assigned, each with high recognition and expertise in the manuscript’s field of knowledge.

A peer review system is employed as a mechanism for ensuring the quality of the published articles, in accordance with the standards set by the journal. Reviewers are both national and international academics, and the review process ensures the anonymity of the authors under evaluation.

1) The articles will be sent to academic experts in the same thematic area as the postulated text. The reviewers will be selected from the portfolio of referees (national and international), who will issue an academic opinion.

2) The reviewers will be responsible for reviewing and analyzing the academic, theoretical and methodological relevance of the articles assigned to them, as well as their congruence with respect to the field of study.

3) All articles will be sent to two experts, who will issue their comments based on the following possibilities:

  • Accepted without modifications, means that the manuscript is accepted for publication.
  • Accepted with minor modifications, the author will receive the article with minor observations and corrections that do not entail modifications to the content.
  • Accepted with major modifications and conditional on resubmission and revision, the author will receive the article with significant observations and corrections that require substantial changes.
  • Rejected, the author receives the decision that the article is not publishable.

The evaluation time is up to 30 working days, with a 7-day extension.

The International Social Science Journal establishes the following evaluation criteria for each section:

For scientific articles:

1. That they be unpublished.
2. Scientific soundness of the work.
3. Originality, relevance and contribution of the research to the field of knowledge.
4. Clarity in the definition of purposes.
5. Rigorous methodology.
6. Clear results and discussions.
7. Substantiation of conclusions.
8. Relevance and timeliness of references cited.
9. Level of mastery of the object of study of the article.

Article Processing Charges (APC)

The journal does not charge any fees for submission, processing, evaluation, or publication (Article Processing Charges - APC) for the articles submitted by authors.

Plagiarism Detection Tool

The journal uses Turnitin software to detect the similarity and originality of submitted articles. This is part of the first filter conducted by the Editor-in-Chief.


Authors may deposit the post-print version of their articles after they are published in the journal—i.e., the final version approved by the editor.

This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archive among participating libraries, allowing these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that offering free access to research helps promote broader global knowledge exchange.

Ethical Guidelines

The journal adheres to the Code of Conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (Retrieved from: https://publicationethics.org/).

Unacceptable conduct shall be in accordance with the Code of Conduct (http://publicationethics.org/resources/code-conduct). The guidelines and recommendations of organizations internationally recognized for their commitment to publication ethics are followed.

Creative Commons License

The International Journal of Social Sciences is a free open-access journal. This journal and its articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).