Delimitation of irrigation management zones in banana cultivation using satellite images and physical and chemical soil attributes
DOI: clave:
management zones, spectral indices, Smart map, Sen2r, Sentinel 2Resumen
In banana plantations, irrigation is managed in a homogeneous way, which is inadequate due to the variability of the soil in different areas, leading to significant losses in productivity. To address this issue, the delimitation of agricultural management zones (AMZ) was proposed, based on the spatial variability of the physical and chemical soil attributes, along with information obtained from spectral indices derived from satellite imagery. Additionally, the soil-climate-plant relationship was considered to improve the accuracy and reliability of the information. For this purpose, Sentinel-2 satellite images were processed, and various spectral indices were calculated using the Sen2R package. These indices allowed the generation of AMZ in QGIS using the Smart Map plugin. The satellite images facilitated the delimitation of homogeneous zones based on spectral information. Through a correlation matrix between the mean values of physical and chemical soil variables and the spectral indices per hectare, a correlation was identified between the water stress index and factors such as sand content, electrical conductivity, soil texture class, and available water. The geospatial analysis allowed for the accurate delimitation of irrigation zones, compared to those defined solely by the physical and chemical properties of the soil. The vegetation’s response to soil characteristics, such as water retention capacity, cation exchange, and base assimilation in the soil, demonstrated the effectiveness of this delimitation.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Jonathan Zhiminaicela-Cabrera, Diego Villaseñor-Ortizo Villaseñor-Ortizo, Eduardo Tusa, Angel Luna-Romero

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