Occurrence of the fungus Fusarium solani as a pathogen causing regressive death in avocado crops





avocado, Fusarium solani, phytopathogens, cultivation, diseases, dieback


The loss of productive plants due to the dieback of the avocado (Persea Americana Mill) in Peru is of growing concern in the agricultural sector. This devastating phenomenon manifests itself with necrosis in leaves, branches, stems and death of trees. The Fruit and Vegetable Research Center houses 22 varieties of avocado, with the Hass and Fuerte varieties being the most susceptible to the attack of dieback, so the objective of this work Identify the causal agent of dieback in the Hass variety. 20 plants with symptoms of necrosis in leaves, branches and stems were selected, along with other signs such as death of branches, necrosis of the fruit peduncle and development of small fruits from which roots and soil were extracted as a sample. Necrotic roots of plants were collected and processed in the laboratory, which were disinfected, macerated, and sown on PDA agar, isolations, and the respective morphological characterization of the culture on PDA were carried out. The findings made it possible to identify the fungus Fusarium solani as the pathogen responsible for dieback. The confirmation of the phytopathogenic agent was carried out through the report of the National Agrarian Health Service. The pathogenicity of the fungus was demonstrated by inoculating the avocado plants in the nursery and evaluating them six months later, showing symptoms of root rot, scarce and brittle secondary roots. In conclusion, the study demonstrates that Fusarium solani is the pathogen responsible for dieback in the crop.


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How to Cite

Chavez-Huaman, N. H., Vega y Montecillo, P., Álvarez Benaute, L. M., Castillo Nole, M. J., Campos Albornoz, M. E., & Valverde-Rodríguez, A. (2024). Occurrence of the fungus Fusarium solani as a pathogen causing regressive death in avocado crops. Manglar, 21(4), 471-477. https://doi.org/10.57188/manglar.2024.051

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